Mailing Address
Thank you for visiting this web site. To submit information for your “Civil Rights Advocate”, please complete the form below then select “Send Request.” We will review the information. To get an understanding of how the Advocate’s accomplishment should read, please see current listed Advocates on this site. Please do not exceed 15 lines of information. For us to verify the Advocate’s accomplishments, we require that you send an obituary, a news article, a book, or a web site link, meaning “proof.” You can mail it to the address below, or send us a PDF, or photo, or a link to a web site, if the information is online, to:
The book “100 Civil Rights Advocates And Their Church Affiliation” is available below. See the “Buy Book” button below or on the “Home” page. Newly added Advocates will be added to future volumes.
Thank you very much!