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100 Civil Rights Advocates And Their Church Affiliation


This book was written as a reminder to Black America that the Civil Rights we now enjoy were founded in the black church. This book will list 100 Civil Rights advocates who fought for our current freedoms and their church affiliation. Many of them were also pastors, preachers, ministers, deacons, deaconess, church founders, and spiritual leaders.
This book is only a glimpse into their rich history. Enjoy!

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This book was written as backup in support of the Author’s book, “50 Reasons Why Many Pews Are Empty In The Black Church!”, a book which lays out 50 reasons many black people (today) do not belong to or attend a church. This book was written as a “reminder” to black Americans that the Civil Rights we now enjoy are rooted in the black church. This book was written because many black people (today) are bashing the black church and forgetting that the expressive freedoms they enjoy, was fought for by black Civil Rights advocates, who, most likely, was a member of a black church. This book is also a reminder that the majority of the Civil Rights organizations we so admire were founded in the black church by black Christians who were committed church goers.


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