Welcome to “Black Church History.” This site list African American Civil Rights Advocates and their church affiliation.

Advocates are listed below. See the "For More Names" button below. Or, see "list" of Advocates, above, in the header.

About Black Church History

The “Black Church History” web site was created in 2024 in response to the many black people who are bashing the black church. This web site was designed to host historical information pertaining to Civil Rights Advocates, black churches in America, and the churches’ role in helping black Americans gain Civil Rights. These days, it is hard to miss the negative rhetoric coming from black people on social media outlets, whether they have a large or small following. Many speak negatively about the black church, giving reasons for why they do not attend, do not belong, which likely discourages others from attending. God, help them! 


Our “Mission Statement” is simple. Our mission in creating this web site is to preserve black history, to preserve the history of black churches and to preserve the history for Civil Rights Advocates and their church affiliation.

Civil Rights
Civil Rights
Civil Rights
Civil Rights
Civil Rights

Donations are needed to cover the cost for maintaining and maintenance of this web site and to pay for the publishing, the hosting and the domain name for this web site. To list your Civil Rights Advocate we ask for a donation of any amount, which is not required.